How to REALLY Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

April 30, 2009

If you are looking for a new job or know someone who is looking for a new job, then check out this presentation “How to REALLY use LinkedIn to find a new job in 10 slides.”


Feel free to share !


Jan Vermeiren is the founder of Networking Coach and networking and referral speaker

Interview with Alan Stevens, the Media Coach

April 25, 2009

I already wrote in this blog that I have met some great colleague speakers from all over the world at the PSA Holland Convention in March.

I was lucky to have the time and opportunity to interview Alan Stevens, the Media Coach at the convention.

In this small interview (5.30 min) Alan shares with us some interesting networking tips from a media point of view. His examples will make it very clear that we all can have big results with small budgets and small efforts.

Listen to the interview, then go to for your free e-book about free publicity and apply the wisdom you have received!

To your success!


Jan Vermeiren, founder of Networking Coach and networking and referral speaker

Interview by Ivan Misner of BNI about How to REALLY use LinkedIn for BNI and Referral Club Members

April 22, 2009

Ivan Misner, the founder of BNI, interviewed me about how to REALLY use LinkedIn for BNI members and members of other referral clubs.

This is the link:

Enjoy 🙂


Jan Vermeiren, founder of Networking Coach and networking speaker

How LinkedIn Can Be Beneficial INSIDE Organisations

April 18, 2009

Although many people who only have an internal function don’t think networking in general and LinkedIn specifically is useful to them, LinkedIn can also bring many benefits to them.

The most important one is that although many larger organizations have their own telephone and email directories, the information is very basic and limited to practical details. When people fill in their Profile on LinkedIn their colleagues might not only discover more about them, which allows better forming of teams, but also who is in their network.

As far as I know, there is no organization in the world which has that knowledge in an internal system. It is also very hard to do because they would have to ask every employee to list their connections and also update them when something changes. Since most people don’t have enough time to do their normal work, this is the first thing they will stop doing. The basic principle behind LinkedIn and any other social or business network is that everybody updates their own profile.

A last remark is that people who get things done, get more visibility, get promoted faster and will be the last ones to get fired. Getting things done also means that the job needs to be done, not that you have to do everything yourself. Finding the right people (fast) is crucial in this new economy of specialists. So use LinkedIn to find them outside AND inside your organisation.

To your success !


PS: this is an extract from my new book “How to REALLY use LinkedIn” or in Dutch: “Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken” (make sure you get your free light version of the book at these websites)

Interview with David Avrin, the Visibility Coach

April 11, 2009

At the PSA Holland conference I met (again) many interesting colleague speakers from all around the world.

One of them is David Avrin, the Visibility Coach.

Speakers are people who love to share their insights and tips, and that’s exactly what David did when I interviewed him.

Listen to the interview (9.30 min)where David talks about the importance of differentation, planning and running your business really as a business.

Afterwards go to David’s website: for more tips.

Have a great networking day !


Jan Vermeiren, Founder of Networking Coach and author of Let’s Connect and How to REALLY use LinkedIn