“Let’s Connect!” is available !

January 26, 2006

I’m very excited! My networking book “Let’s Connect!” is printed and ready for distribution.

It took a while to go through the whole process of writing and publishing, but for me it was worth it. Now we have to wait what the “general public” thinks about it. The reviewers of the book are very enthusiastic about it. Among them are networking gurus Donna Fisher, Ivan Misner, Thomas Power and Melissa Giovagnoli.

What’s the book about?

The subtitle “A practical guide for networking on events and on the web for every professional whether you’re in sales or not” says already a little bit 😉

These are some of the questions that are answered in the book:
• How do I tap into the power of my network to reach my goals faster?
• Which steps can I take to establish and maintain a relationship?
• What is the best question in networking?
• Is it really a small world and if so, what does that mean for me?
• How do I prepare for a networking event?
• How do I start and end a conversation at an event?
• Which tools can I use to network more efficiently?
• What is online networking and how do I deal with it?
• Which follow-up actions can I do?
• How do I introduce two people on an event or via e-mail?
• …

And there is more. My own network 😉 31 organisations offer the buyer a bonus or discount with a total worth of 3.968 euro. Even I was surprised by these generous offerings 😉

Visit the website www.letsconnect.be to read more about the book (answered questions, table of contents, excerpts), to look what other people say about it, to see the details of the bonuses and to buy it.

Have a great networking day !


Your network as the best aid to reach your goals

January 20, 2006

“The person who can help me best to reach my goal, sleeps next to me!” was a remark of Joris van Rooy (Sales Manager Northern Europe, Nike) in one of my “Smart Networking” workshops.

His comment may surprise you, but not me. When we think of someone to help us solve a problem or reach a goal, we tend to think of the same people over and over again. The ones we see as very knowledgeable. They helped us in one area and then in a second. And suddenly they became the overall experts.

On the other hand there is the danger of only thinking in terms of specialists. We see them as a specialist in one area, but never took the effort to discover other specialities or interests they might have.

And the most common “mistake”, in both cases, is that we only look at what value they can add personally. We tend to forget that they have a network of interesting, competent and inspiring people too. And the latter is what happened to Joris. He had forgotten that his wife knew people who could help him reach his goal.

How about you? Are you making the same “mistake”?

Have a great networking day!


PS: this is an excerpt from my upcoming book “Let’s Connect!”. Pre-register at: www.letsconnect.be