What does the event look like?

April 29, 2006

When going to a networking event, it is a good habit to prepare yourself by finding an answer to the following questions:

  • What’s the type of the event? Is there a speaker? Is there time to network? How much and when? Do you have to present yourself for the whole group?
  • What’s the format? Is the event a walking diner? Or a breakfast meeting? Or are there just some snacks, the so-called finger-food?
  • What is the dress code? There is nothing more embarrassing to show up underdressed. Being overdressed is better, although this can give you an uncomfortable feeling as well. When you show up in your new cocktail dress and the others are wearing jeans, you don’t seem to fit in the occasion. Avoid this by preparing yourself. If it’s not clear from the invitation, ask the organisation. They are only a phone call away.

To your networking success !


PS: this is an excerpt from my networking book “Let’s Connect!”. Discover everything about the book and the 31 organisations that offer something extra at www.letsconnect.be Don’t forget to claim your FREE “light version” !

New FREE light version of “Let’s Connect!”

April 21, 2006

During the Easter weekend I wondered how I could give more to my network (and their network) besides my free networking e-course and networking tips in my blog.

So I decided to create a “light version” of my networking book “Let’s Connect!” in PDF-format and I offer it for FREE on my website www.letsconnect.be

Just take a look at the website and see what’s all about.

Have a great networking day !


Network concept: t-shirts

April 15, 2006

A concept to help people to get each other to find common stuff in a faster and fun way is to use t-shirts.

I learned this concept from a post by Jesper Kjaergaard on Ecademy. So; thanks Jesper!

How does it work?

You hand out white t-shirts to the participants. Then you ask them to write words on it. These words can be hobbies, sports, business related topics or other interests.

Then you ask them to put on the t-shirt (use XXL so they can put the t-shirt over their clothes) and walk around. They can read each others’ words and discover the things they have in common. They mostly start slowly, but after a while it’s hard to stop them!

It’s great fun and it works, even in the more “stiff” environments. Try it on your next event !


My networking quote

April 8, 2006

One person can change another person’s life.

Are you the one connecting them?
