13 Ways How LinkedIn Can Help When Looking For A New Job

July 29, 2009

If you are looking for your first job or you want to change jobs, these are the benefits LinkedIn can bring you:

1. Identifying the right people at a potential employer (finding their profile)

2. Receiving introductions or referrals to potential employers (via the introductions tool or outside LinkedIn)

3. Discovering the relationships between potential employers and your own network (see the connections in their profiles)

4. Discovering information about recruiters or other people at the organisation you would like to work for, which makes the conversations online and offline easier (reading their profile)

5. Maintaining relationship with recruiters or other people at the organisation you would like to work for (Personal contacts, Discussions in Groups and answering questions in Answers)

6. Visibility and Personal Branding (your profile not only on LinkedIn, but also in the Search Engines like Google, contributions in Answers and in Discussions)

7. Make yourself be perceived as an expert (contributions in Answers and in Discussions and Expert points)

8. Word of mouth publicity (receiving recommendations and people telling about you in Discussions, mention you as the expert in Answers or talking about you outside of LinkedIn)

9. Getting recommendations which are visible to potential employers (recommendations written by other people which can’t be modified by you which makes them stronger)

10. Finding the right groups and organisations to be member of, both online and offline (via the profiles of people from your network)

11. Picking up trends in the marketplace (Discussions in the groups of your potential employers and in the groups of your peers)

12. Getting notifications when someone changes jobs, this is a trigger to contact them to see if you can work for them in the new organisation and to get introduced to the one who will replace them in their current function (network updates)

13. LinkedIn has also some extra tools when you are looking for a new job.

To your success !


PS: this is an excerpt from the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (of in het Nederlands: Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken). Make sure you download your FREE light version.

Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken om nieuwe klanten te vinden

July 22, 2009

This blog post is in Dutch.

Als je op zoek bent naar nieuwe klanten of iemand kent die verkoper is of een eigen zaak heeft, bekijk dan deze presentatie “Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken om nieuwe klanten te vinden in 10 slides”.

Deel dit gerust met anderen !


Jan Vermeiren is de oprichter van Networking Coach en spreker over netwerken en referrals

How to REALLY use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

July 15, 2009

If you are looking for a new job or know someone who is looking for a new job, then check out this Mind Map “How to REALLY use LinkedIn to find a new job in 8 steps.”

 Feel free to share !


Jan Vermeiren is the founder of Networking Coach and networking and referral speaker

Interview door Managementboek.nl over “Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken”

July 11, 2009

Two weeks ago Ronald Buitenhuis from the Dutch websites Managementboek.nl and Management & Literatuur interviewed me about “How to REALLY use LinkedIn“.

Listen to this short interview (8 minutes) in Dutch to get some quick insights in how LinkedIn can help you too.

Instructions (in Dutch): het is nogal lastig om het te vinden. Dit is de weg er naar toe:
– Klik op deze link.
– Scroll naar helemaal onderaan de pagina tot je de cover ziet van “Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken”
– Klik op “Interview met Jan Vermeiren”

Have a great networking day !


How To Be Successful on LinkedIn By Using the Golden Triangle of Networking

July 8, 2009

In order to get results When networking online and offline, it is important to take into account some fundamental principles. One of them is the Golden Triangle of Networking.

These are the three elements:

1. Give or Share

This relates back to the networking attitude from a previous post. What can we give or share with other people. By giving and sharing we improve our relationships with other people.

For many people this is a hard concept because they think in terms of need instead of abundance. They also think if they give something away they don’t have it themselves anymore. Though that might be true for physical objects, we live more and more in a knowledge society (especially in the western world). When you share information or knowledge (like I’m doing with you now) you don’t lose it. We both have it.

2. Ask

When networking it is important to ask other people for their help. This is where the power of the network resides: getting help from other people.

People like to help each other, especially if it doesn’t cost them any money and a small amount of time.

However, the biggest problem is that we don’t know how we can help other people.

So help other people to help you and tell them what you are looking for and ask for help.

3. Thank

Most of us do thank people when we received something or when someone delivered a solution to a problem. But do we always thank people if we did NOT get something? Do you always thank someone when she took the time to look for a solution, but didn’t find one? Or when she just took the time to listen to you?

And do you thank them again when months later you get the job or the project that they helped you with by connecting you with the right person?


Take the Golden Triangle into account when dealing with your network and you will see the results.

To your success !


PS: this is an excerpt from the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (of in het Nederlands: Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken). Make sure you download your FREE light version.

Summer Sales Professional Networking Package

July 3, 2009

 Summer has arrived and for many people it means they have time to read or to reflect on how their career or business is doing.

Since you registered yourself to receive our newsletters and updates, you understand that having a network and being able to tap into your network is not only the cheapest, but also the most powerful resource to support you in your career and business.

However, not everybody has already given thought to what networking really is, what the dynamics are when you are communicating with your network and how to go about it in the best way so you get real results while respecting every party’s values at the same time.

Of course we regularly organise free and for-a-fee workshops, training courses, web seminars and presentations about networking and referrals (both in-company as public), but not everybody has always the opportunity or means to attend one of these.

That’s why there are also a number of books and CD’s at your disposal. And since the summer is the ideal moment to read or get tips via a CD, we want to support you by offering a special summer deal.

We don’t only give a discount on the popular Everlasting Referrals Home Study Course, but we have also created a special bundle at a very low price.

This is the overview:

Summer Action Bundle Professional Networking
This special bundle consists of:

1) Book Let’s Connect! (Amazon best seller)

Get insights in the dynamics of networking, how to craft an Elevator Story, how to make contact at conferences, receptions and other networking events, how to follow up, which tools are available to network more effectively and efficiently and how to be more successful in your business or career by tapping into the power of your network.

2) CD Let’s Connect at an event

This CD is especially made to listen to in your car when you are on your way to (or back from) a conference, reception, business club meeting and any other networking event.

The 30 tips on the CD are categorized in 3 categories:

  • How do I prepare myself in order to not only feel more comfortable, but also get results.
  • What do I do at the event (how do I make contact, how do I present myself, how do I go beyond the superficial chit chat and how do I end a conversation)?
  • How to follow up afterwards in order to increase my success rate and ROI (Return on Investment) in time and money?

3) Book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (Amazon best seller)

You don’t only get insights in where the real power of LinkedIn resides, but also a short and effective 3 step action plan in order to get results fast. Next to that there are advanced strategies, for example to find more customers, to get more out of your business club membership using LinkedIn or to find a new job.

Add to this the answers to the 24 most asked questions and 22 little known, but interesting features and behavior of LinkedIn that can make or break your actions on LinkedIn and a list of free tools to save time, and you know that “How to REALLY use LinkedIn” is THE manual for beginners and advanced users to turn your presence on LinkedIn into a gigantic success.

Limited Summer Action Bundle: 30% discount: only 50 euro instead of 78.95 euro (incl. VAT)!

The bundle is also available in electronic format (PDF and MP3): only 40 euro and no shipping costs (incl. VAT)!


Everlasting Referrals Home Study Course
This Home Study Course is especially designed for business owners, sales managers, business development managers, account managers, sales representatives and everybody who needs to sell products or services and who doesn’t have the time or budget to follow the two-day Everlasting Referrals Training.

This Home Study Course makes sure that you will be introduced by your network to prequalified prospects. As a consequence not only more gets sold with less effort, but after a (short) while you don’t have to cold call anymore. Your network brings in customer after customer after customer.

This is the content of the Everlasting Referrals Home Study Course:

  • Manual
  • Workbook
  • Book Let’s Connect!
  • CD Let’s Connect at an event
  • Some samples of tools that can support you
  • Weekly follow up emails during a full year (52 weeks)
  • Extra: Online Networking Power Pack with a 10 step action plan to develop a successful online networking strategy

Summer Action: 30 % discount: only 249 euro instead of 347 euro (incl. VAT)!


Go to the webshop of our partner Amerone to benefit from these special offers:
Summer Bundle in English.
Summer Bundle in Dutch.

In the meantime we wish you a fantastic summer and we look forward to meeting you after the summer at one of our web seminars, training courses or presentations or on another networking event!

Jan and the Networking Coach team

How LinkedIn Answers Help You Raise Your Credibility and Visibility

July 1, 2009

I already explained in a former post that the value of the Groups functionality is in the interactions between people. Before the Discussions function was introduced, there was already another tool that stimulated interaction: the Answers.

Actually the concept is pretty simple. Some people ask questions and others answer them.

Again this allows you to receive help from the network on the one hand and raise your visibility and credibility on the other hand.

Just by answering questions you will be on other people’s radar.

If they really think you are an expert in your field of expertise, they will give you expert points. These points are awarded by the person asking a question to the person they thought gave the best answer.

Once you have gained some expert points you will also be listed in the experts directory, which raises your Profile even more. How many points you need to be in that list depends on the category. In some categories there are only few questions and also only a few people who answer them. It is easier to get in the expert list of that category. But since there are not so many questions your visibility as an expert will be limited.

Does that mean you shouldn’t put in any effort? No, it is not about the expert points, but about genuinely helping other people and sharing good tips. By doing this you will be perceived as an expert.

However, since the categories are open for everybody and worldwide, this might not be the place you want to focus your attention and time on. Answering questions in the Groups that you have chosen gives you much faster visibility and more credibility. However, in Groups you can’t earn expert points (you won’t get expert points in private messages, only in public ones).

The advantage of Answers on the other hand is that all the answers are stored and visible for everybody months after you have answered a question. So this is another way of passively raising your visibility and credibility. Answers in Groups are not searchable and can only be browsed by people who are a member of that Group.

Note: if you ask a question yourself whether in Answers or in a Group, people appreciate knowing what you did with the input you got. So take the time to react.

To your success !


PS: this is an excerpt from the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (of in het Nederlands: Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken). Make sure you download your FREE light version.