New: Advanced LinkedIn Webinars

September 1, 2010

I’m very proud to announce that we are going to organize a series of “advanced” LinkedIn webinars.

In this 4 part “LinkedIn Steps to Success” webinar series we will go deeper into the following topics:

– Session 1: How to Create an Attractive Profile
– Session 2: How to Build and Expand Your Network
– Session 3: Personal and Company Branding
– Session 4: Finding New Customers

The reason why we offer these webinars is that many people from around the globe are not able to attend our live seminars or training courses (which are mainly organized in Europe and the USA).

In order to also have them benefit from the large variety of (business) opportunities LinkedIn can bring to them, we will host those 4 webinars. These webinars can be followed separately or as a series of 4 (at a discount). Each participant will also receive the recording.

Find the dates and the detailed program of the LinkedIn Steps to Success Webinar series in English or in Dutch.

To your success !


PS: we also offer a FREE LinkedIn Fundamentals introduction webinar (English) or in Dutch: GRATIS LinkedIn Fundamentals introductie web seminarie on regular basis.