LinkedIn Polls

February 24, 2010

LinkedIn Polls were already mentioned in How to REALLY use LinkedIn, and I now add more advice on how to use them.

Polls can benefit you in several ways:

  1. Get useful input from your own connections for yourself.
  2. Get useful input from your own connections to use in an article,
  3. Increase your “Know” factor (see the Fundamental Principles of Networking in How to REALLY use LinkedIn) among your own connections.
  4. Increase your “Know” factor with people you want to reach (for example, new customers or new employees). This can be done in two ways:
  • By paying—which allows you to select specific functions or roles and consequently access to people whom you don’t know yet.
  • By asking your first-degree connections to invite their network to participate as well

If you use this application, my advice is to create something with the results. Write a blog post, a short article, or create a SlideShare presentation. Then, share your project with your network and the people who responded by sending them the link and showing it in your Profile.

To your success !


This is an excerpt from the Updates to the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (in Dutch: het boek Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken). Click on the links to get these updates for free!