New Features for Your LinkedIn Profile

October 28, 2010

LinkedIn did a few changes lately. One obvious thing is that they cleaned up the menu on top.

Another change is that you have a few more options in your LinkedIn Profile.

These new features reside under what LinkedIn calls “Sections” (go to your LinkedIn Profile and you will see what I mean :-)).

These are new features in the LinkedIn Profile that are applicable to everybody:

  • Skills: you can add some skills and how well you are trained in them.
  • Languages: you can add the languages you speak and how well you speak them.

These are new features in the LinkedIn Profile that are interesting for some people:

  • Certifications: for many jobs you need to have a certification. You can use the “Certifications” section to show that you are indeed certified which can make you stand out from other providers of the same service or can show people that you are in line with quality guidelines.
  • Publications: if you have written a book or published an article, you can use the “Publications” section to show that in your Profile.
  • Patents: if you have a patent, you can share that as well.

Note: not many people know you can drag and drop parts of your Profile. For example: by default “Skills” and “Languages” are placed below “Applications”. But you can drag and drop them below “Summary” if you like.

To be honest I don’t know whether I like these new features or not.

On the positive side: it helps people to structure their information better and will help them to be found when looking for a new job.

On the negative side: the LinkedIn Profile becomes more like a resume, which puts the emphasis too much on the recruiting/finding a job part of the side. Most people who use LinkedIn are using the website for different reasons: finding new customers, partners, investors and expertise; sharing ideas and offering and receiving help. For them these new features might feel like something that doesn’t serve the purpose they use LinkedIn for.

I’m interested in your opinion. Share it as a comment or send me a private message on LinkedIn.

To your success !


PS: get your free light version and free updates of the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (or in Dutch: het boek Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken)

How to Create a Twitter List from your LinkedIn Connections

October 21, 2010

If you use both LinkedIn and Twitter, you can easily create a list on Twitter of people you are connected with on LinkedIn.

How to do that?

1) Add the Tweets Application to your LinkedIn Profile (via More/Application Directory).
2) The Tweets Application now also appears under “More”. Click on it.
3) Click on “Connections” (second tab on top of this new page).
4) Choose “Save as Twitter List”.

In my opinion it makes more sense to create your own lists on Twitter depending on your relationship with each Twitter user you are following or depending on the topic, but this is another way LinkedIn helps with a free tool to keep up to date with your network.

To your success !


PS: get your free light version and free updates of the book How to REALLY use LinkedIn (or in Dutch: het boek Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken)

Listening is the Most Important Networking Skill

October 14, 2010

Listening is the most important skill you need to network. Through listening you build a bond of trust. Through listening you gather information to see how you can help someone else and how you or your network can be helped.

When you really listen, people get the feeling that they really have contact with you and that you are really interested in them. The result is that they become more open and that they share more information about themselves. And then you are actually starting to build a relationship.

Because only few people can listen well, you have a good chance to get noticed in a positive way when you really listen to people. Besides, research has pointed out that the efficiency of people to listen is only 13%. So there is much room for improvement. The tips I will give you in the next couple of weeks, will help you to increase that number substantially.

By the way, this doesn’t only apply to “offline” networking on events, receptions, mixers and conferences, but also to online networking.

For now, here are two sayings I want you to think about:
• We all have two ears and only one mouth. In other words: listening is twice as important as talking. (Source unknown)
• The things you tell people, you already know. But you might still learn something from what other people tell you. (Dale Carnegie)

To your success !


PS: this is an excerpt from my book “Let’s Connect!”. You can download a free light version of the networking book Let’s Connect in English (or het netwerk boek Let’s Connect in Dutch)

Free Tips for CEO’s to Grow their Companies

October 7, 2010

Recently I was interviewed by PUB and Greenhouse|BBC as part of a group of 12 experts about the
growth blockages CEOs are facing today and how to overcome them. In the interview,
I share the learnings and insights gained through my work with both multinationals and small companies and what can
be done to avoid these pitfalls.

I think that you will find the interviews (in Dutch and French) interesting and revealing. Here’s the link
where you can read more and get your FREE copy:

Every week you will discover the insights and recommendations of one of the 12 experts.
You can choose to download, read or listen to the interview – whichever suits you best.

To your growth!
